Thursday, January 10

Acid Reflux diet, treatment and remedies

How is Acid Reflux treated in adults?

There are few easy steps that anyone can take to help alleviate and atenuate the severity of the symptoms once they become a more recurrent occurrence.
  • The first step in treatment is the sleeping position as gravity can actively influence the presence of the stomach fluids into the esophagus. By sleeping at an incline, the acid can flow back down the esophageal tube.

  • The next step is to change the size of your meal. The larger your stomach distends to make room for food, the less room is left for the digestive fluids. Eat smaller portions and this will help alleviate the symptoms.

  • Also look at your diet. Some foods are known to promote reflux. You should avoid ingesting peppermint, chocolate, alcohol and caffeine.

If you have followed these recommendations and are still having acid reflux then the doctor may have you take medicine specifically designed for treating acid reflux. One thing you should remember is this: there is no cure for acid reflux and you will always have to battle flare-ups. In the case of reflux in which nothing seems to be working, the doctor may have to operate.

How is it treated in infants and children?

The treatment plan for adults is basically the same one that doctors prescribe for infants and children. Since it is dangerous for infants to sleep on pillows, there are special wedges designed to go under the mattress to allow the infant and child to sleep elevated. There is also foam wedges designed to go inside the crib to keep the child in one position. These are safe to use and the pediatrician will show you how to use them correctly.

What if conventional treatments are not working?

If diet, exercise, avoiding trigger foods and medicine are not working the doctor may suggest surgery.

Fundoplication is a procedure where the esophagus is tightened where it enters through the diaphragm. After this is complete the doctor will create an artificial esophageal sphincter by taking the upper portion of the stomach that lays closest to the opening of the esophagus and wraps it around the lower part of the esophagus. Luckily this entire procedure is performed through small openings by use of laparoscopy. That means shorter recovery time and is far less invasive than an abdominal cut.

What type of diet is recommended to those suffering from acid reflux?

Diet can help reduce the number of flare ups of acid reflux.

As mentioned above try to limit the amount of chocolate, peppermint, alcohol, caffeine and any foods you know cause you to have a flare up.

You should definitely cut down on fatty foods.

There is one thing that may surprise you and it has had mixed reviews on its effectiveness. Saliva contains bicarbonate. The more bicarbonate and saliva you produce, the more the acid is neutralized. What can help you produce more saliva? A piece of chewing gum after a meal could help reduce your acid reflux. It might sound silly but it is definitely worth a shot.

Does tight clothing really make acid reflux worse?

Just as being overweight puts pressure on the stomach, so too does really tight clothing. How tight would it have to be? It would have to be pretty confining.

This is probably not much of a problem for most men as they normally do not wear extremely constrictive clothing around their midsection.

Women, on the other hand, can find themselves a victim of their own fashion. Corset tops, while being fashionable, can definitely make acid reflux worse. Jeans normally sit much lower than the stomach so these are not a problem unless they are causing fat around the waist to push upwards.

The best advice is to wear comfortable clothing until you get your acid reflux controlled.

Does smoking and being overweight affect acid reflux?

Smoking is detrimental to your health. It damages every single system in the body. The irritation from smoke breaks down the delicate tissues of your throat. When the acid pushes its way up it will come in contact with these places thus irritating and eroding the lining further.

Being overweight is similar to smoking in that it affects every system of your body. With acid reflux it is a pressure game. The more pressure put onto the stomach, either internal or external, the less room there is for the acid and bile. Fatty deposits, such as those found in the bulk surrounding the waist, put pressure onto the stomach. Losing weight is a great way to help ease the flare ups of acid reflux.

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